Sunday 28 August 2011

Importance of breakfst

Ever wondered why your elders always emphasize on the importance of a good breakfast??????
It's because it gives you a good start to face the whole day's mental and physical ups & downs.One definitely feels less cranky on full stomach.Although breakfast is the most imporatant meal of the day,still it is the most neglected one.After 8-12 hours without a meal or snack,our body needs to replenish the blood glucose or sugar level.Your body spends the night repairing itself and in the morning it,(especially the brain) needs fresh supply of glucose,its main source of energy.The brain requires a large amount of glucose to keep functioning to its maximum ability,& to stay in perfect shape to face all days' mental and physical challenges.Your mum was right(and it's ok to admit it),the breakfast is the most important meal of the day!!!

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